Sunday, February 20, 2011

"Daily we pray "let them look up and see only Jesus"(regarding the poor), but how often do we look in and see only Jesus in us? Do we see Him in using our eyes, mind and heart as His own? Are we so given to Him that we find His eyes look through ours, His tongue speaking, His hands working, His feet walking and His heart loving? Do we really only see Jesus in us? You have to be in the world and yet not of the world. The light you give must be so pure, the love you love with must be so burning, the faith you believe with must be so convincing, that in seeing you they really only see Jesus." -Mother Theresa

I was going through my journal today and found this quote. It's a great challenge, to look in yourself and ask that question. Do they really see Jesus in us? And if not, what is hindering you? I asked that to myself and the answer was no. There are places where I have not surrendered fully to God, and thus it hinders God working through me. Where I have a hurt in the past, my heart will be guarded and not able to fully open to others, possibly hurting people in the process. For God to work in us, for people to see something truly different, we must let go of such things and fully surrender to God. Then he can fully work through us, letting His love flow fully through the people who are willing. What do you need to surrender?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

moving forward but thinking back

Letting go is always hard to do. It requires you to do what your body doesn't like. Taking your grip off something. Falling. Giving up control. Your immediate reaction is to frantically grab for what it was you were holding on to or any handholds along the way down. But the more you fall, the less control you have. Your reach becomes less until you're under the mercy of what lies below.

I use this as a metaphor to my own life right now. There are people and dreams that I need to let go of. I realize there's no use in worrying about the future and living in the past. They are things beyond my control. But the present, that is where the real living takes place. And to get there, I need to let go of things, lose control and fall. That moment of falling where I am under the mercy, there will I find God. For everything that falls away will reveal all I really have to hold on to is Him, the great I Am. There will be suffering yes, and loneliness, but also great freedom. And in that freedom, life, the way it was meant to be lived.

"So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself. Each day has enough trouble as its own". Matthew 6:34 -And as for the past, God is there too. Perhaps healing, but always moving. He is present in every situation.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

On top of a mountain

A journal entry, over two days, on a 3 day trip in the wilderness. One day is written from the peak of a mountain, the other half, early in the morning by a lake.

August 09

Mt. Albert Edward -6867 ft.

Writing atop a mountain for the first time ever. After 7 hours of hiking, we finally summit! The view is majestic. A grand view of creation is all around. Soaring peaks jutt up all around us, with green little mountain valleys hidden in between, alpine lakes, rivers and waterfalls dotting the numerous valleys. Picture Switzerland in summer. It is truly beautiful, and one is reminded how small we really are amidst Gods creation on an epic scale.
At times such as these, i'm reminded of Gods gift to us, freely given. His grace, love and mercy. And the cross. We are so small, deserving of nothing, yet he invites us into relationship with Him, this God of the universe. He gave us mountains to climb, beauty to love and adore, stars like diamonds gracing us with their presence in the night sky. I am humbled.

Highlights so far have been the late night push to camp after dark. We were half way through the 10 km hike to our camp from the parking lot when the sky turned black. Following my headlamp-wearing friends, we arrived to camp safely. Along the way though, we witnessed an amazing site. We look up, and there is a million stars dotting the night sky. Truly beautiful. The sunset we were able to witness will stay in my mind forever. The dark orange on the horizon, coupled with dark siloughets of trees and a pond in the foreground, was truly epic. we stood in awe of for what seemed like hours, watching it in the silence of the night. Time stood still and I saw a glimpse of what eternity must be like. And I will never forget Donk pond. Half way to summit on the first ridge, we came upon a small, clear pond. Tired and sweating from the heat and constant traverse, we all gladly decided to stop and take a dip in the pond. I will only say that I did something for the first time in my life there, and it was refresshing, and weird. I'm glad no one came upon us.

This trip has been amazing. The grandness of our natural surroundings is inspiring. The view from the summit puts things into perspective. How small we are amongst these giants, yet how we loved we are considering our size and frailty. Most importantly though, the bonding and the talk amongst us four friends, men, one of which is to get married in two days. Our talks have been edifying, silly, encouraging and positive in nature. Always positive. This shows the high quality of friends I have, these three dudes who know me on a deeper level then most. I am blessed. From Justin the philosopher/theologian, Aaron the manly man, and Johnny the creative one, they are all men among men, with qualities I aspire to have, and to learn from. Justice, compassion and kindness run through their veins like a flowing river. They are strong and mighty like David, but can be as gentle and compassionate the next moment. Warriors and poets are who they are. I am blessed to have such examples to follow. To be a man after Gods own heart, like David, is my desire, and through these men who I am blessed to call friends, I am one step closer to know what that is. Manly man by Bradley hathaway comes to mind. I will end here, to appreciate this view a little more. The sun is out, the sky is blue and I think I see a little waterfall going off the side of a mountain. God is good.

Transmission ended.